

At Innergy Bodyworks, we are dedicated Intentional Holistic Bodyworkers providing a safe space for your healing journey. Our goal is to support you in releasing tension and moving energy that may be unconsciously stuck in your body.

Understanding that finding the right therapist is a process, we ensure alignment with your needs. You may schedule  a free 15-30 minute phone consultation, although it's not necessary. This allows us to address any questions or concerns regarding our services. You can reach us directly or send a message through the "Contact Me" page, including your contact information and the type of bodywork you're interested in. We'll respond at our earliest convenience.

If you choose to book with us, please consider filling out the intake form before your session (although not required, it's suggested). This facilitates a smoother assessment and saves time during your first session. Additionally, we encourage you to review our Late Cancellation Policy before booking. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for visiting Innergy Bodyworks, and we wish you a blessed day.



"Be the good energy you want to attract"  -- Anonymous

"When there is no enemy inside, the enemy outside cannot hurt you" --  African proverb