About Me

Clara was born in the Islands of the Philippines and immigrated to the US in 1993. She faced many adversities assimilating to American culture, struggling with identity, psychological, physical, and emotional trauma which eventually led her to discover her newfound purpose. Recently, Clara experienced a significant shift in her personal journey that led her to transition into bodywork. She identifies herself as an Intuitive Bodyworker and Health Educator.

Her healing journey began in 2016, and she delved deeper into her self-development in 2020. Through years of learning and working on healing the mind, body, and spirit, she found her path leading her to the realm of somatic healing. Returning to her hometown in the Philippines, she embarked on a journey to study the ancient healing practices known as Hilot. In this exploration, she unearthed her connection to a lineage of healers, realizing her place among generations dedicated to the art of healing.

She expresses her excitement to work with individuals needing support in their healing process. Having personally experienced anxiety, depression, and other body ailments correlating with stress, Clara understands the impact of stress on physical well-being. Stress manifests in the body, and Clara aims to alleviate tension and restore balance. She focuses on moving stagnant energy caused by daily emotional, psychological, and physical stressors. Clara believes that our bodies hold trauma from past experiences, which can manifest as chronic issues such as back and neck pains, headaches, anxiety, depression, and more. She advocates that massage can help ease and release negative energies, relieve tension, increase mobility and energy, and aid in emotional relief.

Clara emphasizes creating a safe space for her clients, ensuring they feel secure whenever they step onto her massage table. She values healthy communication, understanding that each client is unique, making every session customized to their needs. Clara views the process as collaborative and encourages clients to express what their bodies are experiencing for better care and attention. She avoids pushing clients' bodies to their limits to prevent injury, working only to the extent their bodies allow.

In her practice, Clara incorporates positive affirmations and intentional healing into each massage, believing it can restore balance to the mind, body, and spirit.


"We cannot create a new future by holding on the emotions of the past"

                                                                                                                - Joe Dispensa

"What we cannot heal, we cannot feel"                                                                                                               

                                                                                                                - Anonymous